Andrew Lloyd Webber - Think Of Me

E0            B1                  A2                     B73
0Think of me, think of me fondly when we've said good-bye
   E4        B5               A6                  B77
1Remember me every so often, promise me you'll try
C#m8                        G#79                      C#m710           F#711
2On that day, that not so distant day, when you are far away and free,
        E12          C#m713     F#m14   G#715 A16       B17  E18
3If you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me.
Dm19                                   A720                           Dm721
4And though it's clear, though it was always clear, that this was never ment
5to be
        F23         Dm724    Gm25   Am26  A#27    C28 F29
8If you happen to remember stop and think of me.
A#30       C31              D#32
9Think of August when the trees were green
      F33               Dm734       Gm35         C736
10Don't think about the way things might have been
F37           C38                 A#39         C740
11Think of me, think of me waking silent and resigned
  F41       C42                 A#43              C#m744
12Imagine me trying too hard to put you from my mind
Dm45                             A746                   Dm747                G748
13Think of me, please say you'll think of me whatever else you choose to do
           F49         Dm750      Gm51 Am52   A#53    C754 F55
14There will never be a day when I won't think of you
16Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade. They have their seasons so do we
18But please promise me that sometimes you will think
A#56   C757 F58
19Ah…  Of Me!