Misc Christmas - Hark The Herald Angels Sing

 G0                       D1      G2     C3      G4    D5     G6  
0Hark the herald angels sing "Glory to the new born King 
                    Em7     A78    D9                  A710   D11  
1Peace on earth and mercy mild  God an sinners reconciled" 
  G12            D713   G14        D15    G16                D717   G18    D19  
2Joyful all ye nations rise_  Join the triumph of the skies 
  C20       G21    Am22    E723   Am24      D725         G26            D27   G28  
3With angelic host proclaim  "Christ is born in Bethlehem" 
  C29          G30   Am31   E732   Am33     D734     G35           D736     G37  
4Hark the herald angels sing "Glory to the new born King" 
 G38                          D39        G40      C41    G42    D43        G44  
7Christ, by highest heaven adored; Christ the everlasting Lord; 
               Em45         A746    D47                  A748      D49  
8Late in time behold him come, Offspring of the favored one. 
 G50                    D751  G52      D53     G54                  D755   G56   D57  
9Veiled in flesh, the Godheadd see; hail the incarnate Diety 
C58               G59     Am60   E761   Am62     D763      G64        D65   G66  
10Pleased as man with men to dwell, Jesus, our Immanuel 
  C67          G68   Am69   E770   Am71     D772     G73            D774     G75  
11        Hark the herald angels sing, "Glory to the new born King" 
 G76                               D77       G78     C79    G80       D81         G82  
14Hail! the heaven-born Prince of Peace. Hail the son of Righteousness 
                  Em83      A784       D85                   A786      D87  
15Light and life to all He brings, risen with healing in His wings 
G88                 D789   G90  D91    G92                 D793    G94    D95  
16Mild He lays His glory by, born that man no more may die 
C96              G97    Am98    E799   Am100     D7101        G102           D103     G104  
17Born to raise the sons of earth, born to Give them second birth 
  C105          G106   Am107   E7108   Am109     D7110     G111          D7112     G113  
18Hark the herald angels sing, "Glory to the new born King" 