My Chemical Romance - Helena

  C#m0                      E1         B2               A3
1 Long ago, just like the hearse you died to get in again,
    C#m4     B5
2 We are so far from you.
  C#m6                     E7          B8            A9
5 Burning on, just like a match you strike to incinerate
      C#m10             B11
6 the lives, of every one you knew.
               G#m12       A13                C#m14        B15
7 And whats the worst to take, from every heart you break.
         G#m16        A17               C#m18    B19        E20
8 like a blade you stain, I've been holding on tonight.
  E21                           B22                          C#m23
11 Whats the worst thing I can say? Things are better if I stay.
                 C24                      E25
12 So long and goodnight, so long and goodnight!
 C#m26                      E27            B28                   A29
15 Came a time, where every star fall brought you to tears again.
    C#m30           B31
16 we are the very hurt you sold.
                G#m32      A33                C#m34       B35
17 And whats the worst to take, from every heart you break.
         G#m36       A37                C#m38    B39       E40
18 like a blade you stain, I've been holding on tonight.
  E41                           B42                          C#m43
21 Whats the worst thing I can say? Things are better if I stay.
                 C44                       E45
22 So long and goodnight, so long and goodnight!
  E46                      B47                         C#m48
23 And if I carry on this way, thing are better if I stay.
                 C49                      E50
24 So long and goodnight, so long and goodnight!
 C#m51  A52   E53   B54
27 Can you hear me?
 C#m55  A56   E57   B58
28 Are you near me?
 C#m59      A60          E61        B62
29 Can we pretend to leave and then,
       C#m63    A64         E65        B66
30 We'll meet again when both our cars collide!
  E67                           B68                          C#m69
33 Whats the worst thing I can say? Things are better if I stay.
                 C70                      E71
34 So long and goodnight, so long and goodnight!
  E72                         B73                         C#m74
35 Well if you carry on this way, thing are better if I stay.
                 C75                      E76
36 So long and goodnight, so long and goodnight!