Nat King Cole - LOVE

G         Em7             Am7         D7   
"L"    is for the way you look    at me    
Am7    D7            G    
"O" is for the only one I see     
G7                  C    
"V" is very, very   extraordinary     
 A     A7             D   A7      D7       
"e" is even more than anyone that you adore    
G         Em7              Am7           D7    
Love   is all that  I  can give      to you;     
Am7      D7              G    
Love is more than just a game for two.    
Two in love can make it —    
Take my heart, but please don't break it —    
G           D7      -Am7-   G       
Love    was made for me and you.    
G#  Fm7 A#m7 D#    
A#m7 D#7 G#    
G#7  C#    
G#  D#7  -A#m7-  G#    
A         F#m7            Bm7         E7    
"L"    is for the way you look     at me    
Bm7    E7            A    
"O" is for the only one I see     
A7                  D    
"V" is very, very   extraordinary     
 B     B7             E   B7      E7       
"e" is even more than anyone that you adore    
A         F#m7             Bm7           E7    
Love   is all that  I  can give      to you;     
Bm7      E7              A    
Love is more than just a game for two.    
Two in love can make it —    
Take my heart, but please don't break it —    
A           E7      -Bm7-   A     
Love    was made for me and you.