0Intro: A0D1A2E3 x6
1A42The mama pajama rolled out of bed D53And she ran to the police station E64When the papa found out, he began to shout A75And he started the investigation 6E87It s against the law A98It was against the law E109What the mama saw A1110It was against the law 1112The mama looked down and spit on the ground 13Every time my name gets mentioned 14The papa said oy, if I get that boy 15I'm gonna stick him in the house of detention 16D1217Well I m on my way A1318I don't know where I'm going D14A1519I'm on my way, I'm taking my time B716E1720Nut I don t know where D18G19A2021Goodbye to Rosie, the queen of Corona A21G2222Seeing me and Julio D23E24A25D26A27E2823Down by the schoolyard 2425Whistle: D29A30D31A32B733E34D35A36A37G38D39E40A41 ( D42A43 ) E442627Whoa, in a couple of days, they come and take me away 28But the press let the story leak 29Now when the radical priest, come to get me released 30We was all on the cover of Newsweek 3132Outro: A45D46A47E48 x6