They Might Be Giants - Istanbul

Fm0           Fm1                       Fm2            Fm3
0Istanbul was Constantinople, now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
       C74                  C75
1Been a long time gone, old Constantinople
         Fm6   -    Dm7         Dm8  -   Fm9
2Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night
Fm10           Fm11                      Fm12            Fm13
3Every gal in Constantinople lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
      C714               C715                        Fm16    -    C717    Fm18
4So if you've a date in Constantinople, she'll be waiting in Istanbul
     Fm19      Fm20       Fm21             Fm22
5Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
                    C723           Fm24                   C725
6Why they changed it I can't say, people just liked it better that way
   Fm26              Fm27                     Fm28               Fm29
7So take me back to Constantinople, no you can't go back to Constantinople
         C730            C731                      Fm32                     Fm33
8Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople, why did Constantinople get the works?
       C734                        Fm35
9That's nobody's business but the Turks