Withered Hand - Cornflake

     B0              C#1                 F#2        B3
0So I broke another of the ten commandments
B4                          C#5                 F#6
1John Harvey Kellog doesn't want me for a sunbeam
B7                           C#8          F#9       B10
2Won't you wear your sacreligeous undergah-arments
    B11                   C#12            F#13
3And we'll make out like we are seventeen
5- same chord progression throughout the song -
7Won't you tell me just exactly what do my dreams mean
8Because I think I saw your face before we met
And I'm living with the legacy of teenage LSD14
9So tell me that you love me or I'll forget
12Now standing here for a lack of moral fibre
13I get by with just enough and that's ok
14I'd do anything to get my dick inside her
15But that's not what she wants to hear me say
18Now John Harvey Kellog doesn't want me for a sunbeam
19I'd say people get together when we are all alone
20So send me an instant message if you know what this xxxx means
21Cos I'm no longer answering the phone
24Saying John Harvey Kellog doesn't want me for a sunbeam
25You can teach yourself the miracles at home
26Now I got a selfish case of being in a real bad place
27WIll someone help me roll away this stone
B15                      C#16            F#17
28WIll someone help me roll away this stone